Certification procedure

For the certification of products in the field of KPI, the customer of the conformity assessment procedure independently selects the conformity assessment body and concludes the appropriate contract with it.

The conformity assessment body, when carrying out conformity assessment procedures, complies with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment" and Technical Regulations.

The term of decision-making by the conformity assessment body to issue a document of conformity or refusal to issue such a document based on the results of the conformity assessment procedure in the field of CPI cannot be longer than 6 months from the date of submission of the necessary documents to the conformity assessment body.

According to the results of the conformity assessment procedure in the field of KPI, the conformity assessment body makes one of the following decisions:

  1. the product meets the declared level of safety;
  2. the product corresponds to a lower security level than the one declared;
  3. the product does not meet any of the security levels.


In the event of a decision on the compliance of KPI means with the declared level of security, the conformity assessment body issues a document on conformity to the customer of conformity assessment procedures in the field of KPI, an integral part of which is a report with the results of the assessment.

In the event that the KPI tool does not meet the stated security level, it is returned to the developer for revision along with a report with the results of the evaluation, which indicates all the identified deficiencies. In the event that the products correspond to a level of safety lower than the declared one, with the agreement of the developer, it is allowed to issue a document on the compliance of the KPI means with this level.

In the case of elimination of deficiencies in the KPI means within 3 months, the conformity assessment body may conduct an additional conformity assessment procedure in the field of KPI within a period of no more than 3 months at the customer's request.

The manufacturer, who prepares the declaration of conformity, assumes responsibility for the compliance of the KPI means with the requirements established in the Technical Regulations.

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