Citizens' application procedure

Address for citizens to contact:

Written appeals

Electronic appeals

03142, Kyiv,

Str. Zaliznyaka, 3, building 6

State Research Institute of Cyber ​​Security and Information Protection Technologies

You can use:

The electronic application must include: surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence citizen, the essence of the raised issue,  date


Citizens' application procedure

Consideration of citizens' appeals to the State Research Institute of Cyber ​​Security Technologies is carried out in accordance with the requirements Law of Ukraine “On Appeals of Citizens”  and Instructions on Recordkeeping for Appeals of Citizens in Bodies of State Power and Local Self-Government, Associations of citizens, at enterprises, in institutions, organizations regardless of the forms of ownership, in mass media, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 04.14.1997 No. 348.

Article 1.  Appeals of citizens

Citizens of Ukraine have the right to apply to state authorities, local self-governments, associations of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership, mass media, officials in accordance with their functional duties with comments, complaints and proposals concerning their statutory activities, a statement or petition regarding the realization of their socio-economic, political and personal rights and legal interests and a complaint about their violation. 

Article 5. Application requirements

Appeals are addressed to state authorities and local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of the form of ownership, citizens' associations or officials whose authority is to resolve the issues raised in the appeals.

An appeal can be submitted by an individual (individual) or a group of individuals (collective).

The appeal can be oral or written.

Oral appeal  is presented by a citizen at a personal reception or by means of telephone communication through designated contact centers, telephone "hot lines" and is recorded (registered) by an official.

Written appeal sent by mail or delivered by a citizen to the relevant body, institution personally or through a person authorized by him, whose powers are formalized in accordance with legislation. A written application can also be sent using the Internet, electronic means of communication (electronic application).

In the appeal must be specified surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence of the citizen, outline the essence of the issue raised, remarks, suggestions, statements or complaints, requests or demands. Written appeal must be signed by the applicant(s) with an indication of the dateIn electronic</u > appeals also must include an email address to which a reply can be sent to the applicant, or information on other means of communication with him. The use of an electronic digital signature when sending an electronic application is not required.

An application, issued without complying with the specified requirements, is returned to the applicant with relevant explanations no later than ten days from the day of its receipt, except for the cases provided for part one of Article 7 of this Law.

Article 6. Language of appeals and decisions and responses to them

Citizens have the right to apply to state authorities, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, associations of citizens, officials in Ukrainian or another language acceptable to the parties. 

Article 7. Prohibition of refusal to accept and consider an appeal

If the issues, are raised in the received body of state power, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of the forms of ownership , associations of citizens or positions appeals by these persons, are not included in their powersit is forwarded by them to the appropriate authority within a period of no more than five days< /u> or an official, about which the citizen who filed the appeal is informed. If the appeal does not contain data necessary for the body or official to make a reasoned decision, it shall be returned to the citizen within the same period with relevant explanations. 

Article 8. Appeals that are not subject to review and resolution

A written application without indicating the place of residence, not signed by the author (authors), as well as one from which it is impossible to establish authorship, is recognized as anonymous and is not subject to consideration.

Repeated appeals by the same body from the same citizen on the same issue are not considered, if the first one has been decided on merits, as well as those appeals, the terms of consideration of which are provided for in Article 17 of this of the Law, and the appeal of persons recognized by the court as incompetent.

Article 12. Scope of application of this Law

The effect of this Law does not extend to the procedure for consideration of citizens' applications and complaints, established by criminal procedural, civil procedural, labor legislation, legislation on the protection of economic competition, laws of Ukraine "On the judicial system and the status of judges" and "On access to court decisions" , the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine", the Law of Ukraine "On Principles of Preventing and Countering Corruption".

Article 18. Rights of a citizen when considering an application or complaint

A citizen who has submitted a statement or complaint to state authorities, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership, citizen associations, mass media, officials, has the right: 

  • personally present the arguments to the person who verified the application or complaint and participate in the verification of the submitted complaint or application;
  • get acquainted with the inspection materials;
  • submit additional materials or insist on their request by the body considering the application or complaint;
  • to be present at the consideration of the application or complaint;
  • use the services of a lawyer or a representative of the labor team, an organization that performs a human rights function, having issued this authorization in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • receive a written response about the results of consideration of the application or complaint;
  • express orally or in writing a requirement to observe the confidentiality of the consideration of the application or complaint;
  • require compensation for damages, if they were the result of violations of the established procedure for consideration of appeals.

Article 20. Deadline for consideration of citizens' appeals

Appeals are considered and resolved within a period of no more than one month from the day of their receipt, and those that do not require additional study - immediately, but no later than fifteen days from the day of their receipt. If it is impossible to resolve the issues raised in the appeal within a month, the head of the relevant body, enterprise, institution, organization or his deputy shall set the necessary deadline for its consideration, which shall be notified to the person who submitted the appeal. At the same time, the total term for solving the issues raised in the appeal cannot exceed forty-five days.

Article 21. Appeal consideration free of charge

Bodies of state power, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of the form of ownership, associations of citizens, officials consider appeals from citizens without charging fees. 

Article 26. Citizens' responsibility for submitting illegal appeals

Submission by a citizen of an appeal containing slander and insults, discrediting state authorities, local self-government bodies, associations of citizens and their officials, managers and other officials of enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of the forms of ownership, calls to incite national , racial, religious enmity and other actions, entails the responsibility provided for by the current legislation.